Star Wars KotOR cheats: All cheat codes for Switch, PC and Mac
How to cheat in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic on every platform where it's possible.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was developed a long time ago in a galaxy much like our own by the legendary BioWare.
Now we've got all the Star Wars KotOR cheat codes for Switch, PC and Mac, with how to use them explained to cause a disturbance in the Force.
What can't be forced, however, is the KotOR remake headed by Aspyr, as it seems to have ground to a halt - with parent company Embracer running into serious financial trouble.
All the talk of the remake does reignites interest in the original, though, as well as all the juicy cheat codes - which are available on the KotOR Switch release too!
Unfortunately, the iOS, Android and Xbox versions of KoTOR do not have any cheats, meaning only the PC, Switch and Mac have them.
If KotOR simply isn't enough Star Wars for you, why not check out the brilliant Jedi: Survivor, which is set to get a sequel - as confirmed by the lead cast member.
But enough chit-chat! Read on to see all of the KotOR cheat codes and how to use them.
How use KotOR cheats on Switch
Fans have recently discovered that it is now possible to cheat with KotOR on Switch, and there's a rather unique method you have to use in order to make this happen.
To cheat at the Switch version of KotOR, press down on the left stick three times and it will bring up a very handy cheat menu. If you can't work out how to do it, see the video below:
Full list of KotOR cheats on Switch
When you do depress the left stick on Switch, the following list of KotOR cheats will pop up, and you can take your pick:
- Add any feat, power or skill
- Add 1000 experience
- Add 5000 experience
- Add 10,000 experience
- Turbo Speed
- Create Item
- Spawn Cheat Bot
- Toggle Screenshot Mode
- Toggle Flight Camera
Note: Under 'Create Item', you will find a list of items you can spawn for yourself. On this list you'll also find the option to give yourself money (referred to as 'credits' here).
Can you cheat on KotOR for Xbox, iOS or Android?
The Xbox, iOS and Android versions of KotOR do not support cheats in the same way as the PC, Mac and Switch editions of the game.
So unless you fancy yourself as a splicer that can jailbreak their devices and tamper with the files, you probably won't get KotOR cheats running on any of those devices. You'll just have to play the game the normal way!
How to use KotOR cheats on PC
It takes a bit of fiddling to activate cheats in KotOR if you're playing on a Windows computer. If you are playing on a PC via Steam, you'll need to follow these steps to activate KotOR cheats:
- On your PC, go to your 'Local Disk (C)' and then open the 'Program Files' directory
- Head into the 'Steam' file, select 'steamapps' and then open the file labelled 'common'
- In the common folder, open the 'swkotor' folder and find the file inside labelled 'swkotor' - opening the swkotor settings file will bring up a NotePad document.
- In the document, scroll down to [Game Options] and type in EnableCheats=1 in the line underneath
- Save the file and close
- Open the game itself, load up a save and press the cheat key (commonly the key directly to the right of your left-hand shift key, but this can vary by region or keyboard) and the cheat console should appear in the top-left corner - this is where you type in cheat codes
- Then, once you've typed in a code, you press enter to make them happen
If that description didn't quite make sense, consult the video below:
How to use KotOR cheats on Mac
If you want to cheat in KotOR on a Mac, the steps to follow are quite different, but the end result is the same. Here's what you need to do:
- On your Mac, click on your Desktop background
- In the nav-bar at the top of the screen, click 'Go' and then, when the drop-down menu appears, press the options key
- Select 'Library' from the list of options
- In your Library, locate the file named 'Containers'
- In the Containers folder, scroll down until you find the file marked 'com.aspyr.kotor'
- In that file, open the folder named 'Data', then the file marked 'Library',
- In the Library, find a file marked 'Application Support', and then the folder named 'Knights of the Old Republic'
- Right click on the file 'swkotor.ini', then choose 'Open With', and then choose to open your file with the software named 'TextEdit'
- In the Text Editor, under 'GameOptions', add this line of code: EnableCheats=01
- Save the file and exit out of all your folders
- In the game, press the cheats key (commonly the key directly to the right of your left-hand shift key, but this can vary by region or keyboard) to bring up the cheat console in the top-left corner.
- You can now enter cheat codes by typing them into the cheat console, and pressing enter to make them take effect.
Note: if you can't find your 'swkotor.ini' file by following the steps above, try following this path instead: Library > Application Support > Knights of the Old Republic. Your 'swkotor.ini' file might be hiding in there if you're playing on Mac via Steam. Once you've found it, pick up with the bullet point in the list above that starts with the words 'Right click'.
If that wasn't working for you, check out this video. It'll teach you how to activate cheats in KotOR on Mac.
Full list of KotOR cheat codes on PC or Mac
Type in any of the cheat codes below and your KotOR experience will be altered in the way we've described. Where it says (number), you need to input an actual number. You don't need to put brackets around the number, but you do need to leave a space between the cheat and the number or words that come after it:
- adddarkside (number) - Gives your character the amount of Dark Side points you want
- addexp (number) - Gives your character the amount of experience points you want
- addlevel (number) - Increases your character's level to the number you want
- addlightside (number) - Gives your character the amount of Light Side points you want
- bright - Increases the brightness in the game
- dancedancemalak - Skip the final battle by turning Malak into a dancing Twi'lek
- givecomspikes - Receive 100 computer spikes
- givecredits (number) - Receive the amount of credits you want
- giveitem (item name) - Receive the item you want (full list of items included further down this page)
- givemed - Receive 100 medkits
- giverepair - Receive 100 advanced repair kits
- givesitharmor (number) - Receive the amount of armour you want
- heal - Refills your character's health and Force points
- infiniteuses - Allows you to repeatedly use items without losing them
- invulnerability - Stops you from taking damage
- restartminigame - Restarts the minigame you're in
- revealmap - Reveals the entire map for the area you're in
- setawareness (number) - Will set your awareness stat to the level you want
- setcharisma (number) - Will set your charisma stat to the level you want
- setcomputeruse (number) - Will set your computer use stat to the level you want
- setconstitution (number) - Will set your constitution stat to the level you want
- setdemolitions (number) - Will set your demolitions stat to the level you want
- setdexterity (number) - Will set your dexterity stat to the level you want
- setintelligence (number) - Will set your intelligence stat to the level you want
- setpersuade (number) - Will set your persuasion stat to the level you want
- setrepair (number) - Will set your repair stat to the level you want
- setsecurity (number) - Will set your security stat to the level you want
- setstealth (number) - Will set your stealth stat to the level you want
- setstrength (number) - Will set your strength stat to the level you want
- settreatinjury (number) - Will set your treating injury stat to the level you want
- setwisdom (number) - Will set your wisdom stat to the level you want
- turbo - Increases the speed at which your characters move
- warp - Teleports your characters to a specific location
- whereami - Will display your character's current coordinates
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Full list of item cheat codes in KotOR for PC and Mac
If you're looking for a specific item, the KotOR item cheats are broken down into categories, which we've included for you below. Don't forget you need to type giveitem first, then include a space, then insert the relevant code from the list below. Then hit enter, and the item will show up in your inventory!
Standard Lightsabers
- g_w_lghtsbr01 - Blue Lightsaber
- g_w_lghtsbr02 - Red Lightsaber
- g_w_lghtsbr03 - Green Lightsaber
- g_w_lghtsbr04 - Yellow Lightsaber
- g_w_lghtsbr05 - Violet Lightsaber
- g_w_lghtsbr06 - Malak's Lightsaber
- g1_w_lghtsbr01 - Lightsaber w/ Heart of the Guardian Crystal
- g1_w_lghtsbr02 - Lightsaber w/ Mantle of the Force Crystal
Short Lightsabers
- g_w_shortsbr01 - Blue Short Lightsaber
- g_w_shortsbr02 - Red Short Lightsaber
- g_w_shortsbr03 - Green Short Lightsaber
- g_w_shortsbr04 - Yellow Short Lightsaber
- g_w_shortsbr05 - Violet Short Lightsaber
- g1_w_shortsbr01 - Short Lightsaber w/ Heart of the Guardian Crystal
- g1_w_shortsbr02 - Short Lightsaber w/ Mantle of the Force Crystal
Double-Bladed Lightsabers
- g_w_dblsbr001 - Blue Double-Bladed Lightsaber
- g_w_dblsbr002 - Red Double-Bladed Lightsaber
- g_w_dblsbr003 - Green Double-Bladed Lightsaber
- g_w_dblsbr004 - Yellow Double-Bladed Lightsaber
- g_w_dblsbr006 - Bastila's Double-Bladed Lightsaber (Yellow)
- g1_w_dblsbr001 - Double-Bladed Lightsaber w/ Heart of the Guardian Crystal
- g1_w_dblsbr002 - Double-Bladed Lightsaber w/ Mantle of the Force Crystal
Lightsaber Crystals
- g_w_sbrcrstl01 - Rubat Crystal
- g_w_sbrcrstl02 - Damind Crystal
- g_w_sbrcrstl03 - Eralam Crystal
- g_w_sbrcrstl04 - Sapith Crystal
- g_w_sbrcrstl05 - Nextor Crystal
- g_w_sbrcrstl06 - Opila Crystal
- g_w_sbrcrstl07 - Jenruax Crystal
- g_w_sbrcrstl08 - Phond Crystal
- g_w_sbrcrstl09 - Luxum Crystal
- g_w_sbrcrstl10 - Firkrann Crystal
- g_w_sbrcrstl11 - Bondar Crystal
- g_w_sbrcrstl12 - Sigal Crystal
- g_w_sbrcrstl13 - Upari Crystal
- g_w_sbrcrstl14 - Blue Crystal
- g_w_sbrcrstl15 - Yellow Crystal
- g_w_sbrcrstl16 - Green Crystal
- g_w_sbrcrstl17 - Violet Crystal
- g_w_sbrcrstl18 - Red Crystal
- g_w_sbrcrstl19 - Solari Crystal
- g1_w_sbrcrstl20 - Heart of the Guardian
- g1_w_sbrcrstl21 - Mantle of the Force
- tat18_dragonprl - Krayt Dragon Pearl
- kas25_wookcrysta - Rough-cut Upari Amulet
- g_a_clothes01 - Clothing
- g_a_clothes02 - Clothing Variant 2
- g_a_clothes03 - Clothing Variant 3
- g_a_clothes04 - Clothing Variant 4
- g_a_clothes05 - Clothing Variant 5
- g_a_clothes06 - Clothing Variant 6
- g_a_clothes07 - Clothing Variant 1
- g_a_clothes08 - Clothing Variant 7
- g_a_clothes09 - Clothing Variant 8
Jedi Robes
- g_a_jedirobe01 - Jedi Robe (Brown)
- g_a_jedirobe02 - Dark Jedi Robe (Black)
- g_a_jedirobe03 - Jedi Robe (Red)
- g_a_jedirobe04 - Jedi Robe (Blue)
- g_a_jedirobe05 - Dark Jedi Robe (Blue)
- g_a_jedirobe06 - Qel-Droma Robes
Jedi Knight Robes
- g_a_kghtrobe01 - Jedi Knight Robe (Brown)
- g_a_kghtrobe02 - Dark Jedi Knight Robe (Black)
- g_a_kghtrobe03 - Jedi Knight Robe (Red)
- g_a_kghtrobe04 - Jedi Knight Robe (Blue)
- g_a_kghtrobe05 - Dark Jedi Knight Robe (Blue)
Jedi Master Robes
- g_a_mstrrobe01 - Jedi Master Robe (Brown)
- g_a_mstrrobe02 - Dark Jedi Master Robe (Black)
- g_a_mstrrobe03 - Jedi Master Robe (Red)
- g_a_mstrrobe04 - Jedi Master Robe (Blue)
- g_a_mstrrobe05 - Dark Jedi Master Robe (Blue)
- g_a_mstrrobe06 - Darth Revan's Robes (Restricted to Dark)
- g_a_mstrrobe07 - Star Forge Robes (Restricted to Light)
Armour Class 4 (Light)
- g_a_class4001 - Combat Suit
- g_a_class4002 - Zabrak Combat Suit
- g_a_class4003 - Echani Light Armor
- g_a_class4004 - Cinnagar Weave Armor
- g_a_class4005 - Massassi Ceremonial Armor
- g_a_class4006 - Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor
- g_a_class4007 - Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor
- g_a_class4008 - Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor
- g_a_class4009 - Echani Fiber Armor
Armour Class 5 (Light)
- g_a_class5001 - Heavy Combat Suit
- g_a_class5002 - Bonadan Alloy Heavy Suit
- g_a_class5003 - Zabrak Battle Armor
- g_a_class5004 - Zabrak Field Armor
- g_a_class5005 - Reinforced Fiber Armor
- g_a_class5006 - Ulic Qel Droma's Mesh Suit
- g_a_class5007 - Eriadu Prototype Armor
- g_a_class5008 - Eriadu Prototype Armor
- g_a_class5009 - Eriadu Prototype Armor
- g_a_class5010 - Republic Mod Armor
- g1_a_class5001 - Light Exoskeleton
- g1_a_class5002 - Baragwin Shadow Armor
Armour Class 6 (Medium)
- g_a_class6001 - Military Suit
- g_a_class6002 - Echani Battle Armor
- g_a_class6003 - Cinnagar War Suit
- g_a_class6004 - Verpine Fiber Mesh
- g_a_class6005 - Arkanian Bond Armor
- g_a_class6006 - Exar Kun's Light Battle Suit
- g_a_class6007 - Davik's War Suit
- g_a_class6008 - Davik's War Suit
- g_a_class6009 - Davik's War Suit
- g1_a_class6001 - Environmental Bastion Armor
Armour Class 7 (Medium)
- g_a_class7001 - Light Battle Armor
- g_a_class7002 - Bronzium Light Battle Armor
- g_a_class7003 - Powered Light Battle Armor
- g_a_class7004 - Krath Heavy Armor
- g_a_class7005 - Krath Holy Battle Suit
- g_a_class7006 - Jamoh Hogra's Battle Armor
Armour Class 8 (Heavy)
- g_a_class8001 - Battle Armor
- g_a_class8002 - Powered Battle Armor
- g_a_class8003 - Cinnagar Plate Armor
- g_a_class8004 - Mandalorian Armor
- g_a_class8005 - Calo Nord's Armor
- g_a_class8006 - Calo Nord's Armor
- g_a_class8007 - Calo Nord's Armor
- g_a_class8008 - Blank
- g_a_class8009 - Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh
- g1_a_class8001 - Heavy Exoskeleton
Armour Class 9 (Heavy)
- g_a_class9001 - Heavy Battle Armor
- g_a_class9002 - Durasteel Heavy Armor
- g_a_class9003 - Mandalorian Battle Armor
- g_a_class9004 - Mandalorian Heavy Armor
- g_a_class9005 - Jurgan Kalta's Power Suit
- g_a_class9006 - Jurgan Kalta's Power Suit
- g_a_class9007 - Jurgan Kalta's Power Suit
- g_a_class9009 - Cassus Fett's Armor
- g_a_class9010 - Mandalorian Assault Armor
- g_a_class9011 - Cassus Fett's Amor (Special type)
- g_i_implant101 - Cardio Package
- g_i_implant102 - Response Package
- g_i_implant103 - Memory Package
- g_i_implant201 - Biotech Package
- g_i_implant202 - Retinal Combat Implant
- g_i_implant203 - Nerve Enhancement Package
- g_i_implant301 - Bavakar Cardio Package
- g_i_implant302 - Bavakar Reflex Enhancement Package
- g_i_implant303 - Bavakar Memory Chip
- g_i_implant304 - Bio-Antidote Package
- g_i_implant305 - Cardio Power System
- g_i_implant306 - Gordulan Reaction System
- g_i_implant307 - Navaradon Regenerator
- g_i_implant308 - Sith Regenerator
- g_i_implant309 - Beemon Package
- g_i_implant310 - Cyber Reaction System
- g1_i_implant301 - Advanced Sensory Implant
- g1_i_implant302 - Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Implant
- g1_i_implant303 - Advanced Combat Implant
- g1_i_implant304 - Advanced Alacrity
- g_i_mask01 - Light-scan Visor
- g_i_mask02 - Motion Detection Goggles
- g_i_mask03 - Bothan Perception Visor
- g_i_mask04 - Verpine Ocular Enhancer
- g_i_mask05 - Bothan Sensory Visor
- g_i_mask06 - Vacuum Mask
- g_i_mask07 - Sonic Nullifiers
- g_i_mask08 - Aural Amplifier
- g_i_mask09 - Advanced Aural Amplifier
- g_i_mask10 - Neural Band
- g_i_mask11 - Verpine Headband
- g_i_mask12 - Breath Mask
- g_i_mask13 - Teta's Royal Band
- g_i_mask14 - Sith Mask
- g_i_mask15 - Stabilizer Mask
- g_i_mask16 - Interface Band
- g_i_mask17 - Demolitions Sensor
- g_i_mask18 - Combat Sensor
- g_i_mask19 - Stealth Field Enhancer
- g_i_mask20 - Stealth Field Reinforcement
- g_i_mask21 - Interface Visor
- g_i_mask22 - Circlet of Saresh
- g_i_mask23 - Pistol Targeting Optics
- g_i_mask24 - Heavy Targeting Optics
- g1_i_mask01 - Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Mask
- g1_i_mask02 - Medical Interface Visor
- g1_i_mask03 - Advanced Agent Interface
- g_i_gauntlet01 - Strength Gauntlet
- g_i_gauntlet02 - Eriadu Strength Gauntlets
- g_i_gauntlet03 - Sith Power Gauntlets
- g_i_gauntlet04 - Stabilizer Gauntlets
- g_i_gauntlet05 - Bothan Machinist Gloves
- g_i_gauntlet06 - Verpine Bond Gauntlets
- g_i_gauntlet07 - Dominator Gauntlets
- g_i_gauntlet08 - Karaken Gauntlets
- g_i_gauntlet09 - Infiltrator Gloves
- g1_i_gauntlet01 - Advanced Stabilizer Gloves
- g_i_frarmbnds01 - Energy Shield
- g_i_frarmbnds02 - Sith Energy Shield
- g_i_frarmbnds03 - Arkanian Energy Shield
- g_i_frarmbnds04 - Echani Shield
- g_i_frarmbnds05 - Mandalorian Melee Shield
- g_i_frarmbnds06 - Mandalorian Power Shield
- g_i_frarmbnds07 - Echani Dueling Shield
- g_i_frarmbnds08 - Yusanis' Dueling Shield
- g_i_frarmbnds09 - Verpine Prototype Shield
- g_i_belt001 - Cardio Regulator
- g_i_belt002 - Verpine Cardio Regulator
- g_i_belt003 - Adrenaline Amplifier
- g_i_belt004 - Advanced Adrenaline Amplifier
- g_i_belt005 - Nerve Amplifying Belt
- g_i_belt006 - Sound Dampening Stealth Unit
- g_i_belt007 - Advanced Stealth Unit
- g_i_belt008 - Eriadu Stealth Unit
- g_i_belt009 - Calrissian's Utility Belt
- g_i_belt010 - Stealth Field Generator
- g_i_belt011 - Adrenaline Stimulator
- g_i_belt012 - CNS Strength Enhancer
- g_i_belt013 - Electrical Capacitance Charge
- g_i_belt014 - Thermal Shield Generator
- g1_i_belt001 - Baragwin Stealth Unit
Long Swords
- g_w_lngswrd01 - Long Sword
- g_w_lngswrd02 - Krath War Blade
- g_w_lngswrd03 - Naga Sadow's Poison Blade
Double-Bladed Swords
- g_w_dblswrd001 - Double-Bladed Sword
- g_w_dblswrd002 - Echani Ritual Brand
- g_w_dblswrd003 - Krath Double Sword
- g_w_dblswrd005 - Ajunta Pall's Blade
Short Swords
- g_w_shortswrd01 - Short Sword
- g_w_shortswrd02 - Massassi Brand
- g_w_shortswrd03 - Teta's Blade
Vibro Swords
- g_w_vbroswrd01 - VibroSword
- g_w_vbroswrd02 - Krath Dire Sword
- g_w_vbroswrd03 - Sith Tremor Sword
- g_w_vbroswrd04 - Echani Foil
- g_w_vbroswrd05 - Bacca's Ceremonial Blade
- g_w_vbroswrd06 - Bacca's Ceremonial Blade
- g_w_vbroswrd07 - Bacca's Ceremonial Blade
- g_w_vbroswrd08 - Bacca's Ceremonial Blade
- g1_w_vbroswrd01 - Baragwin Assault Blade
Vibro Double-Blades
- g_w_vbrdblswd01 - Vibro Double-Blade
- g_w_vbrdblswd02 - Sith War Sword
- g_w_vbrdblswd03 - Echani Double-Brand
- g_w_vbrdblswd04 - Yusanis' Brand
- g_w_vbrdblswd05 - Yusanis' Brand
- g_w_vbrdblswd06 - Yusanis' Brand
- g_w_vbrdblswd07 - Yusanis' Brand
Vibro Blades
- g_w_vbroshort01 - Vibroblade
- g_w_vbroshort02 - Krath Blood Blade
- g_w_vbroshort03 - Echani Vibroblade
- g_w_vbroshort04 - Sanasiki's Blade
- g_w_vbroshort05 - Sanasiki's Blade
- g_w_vbroshort06 - Sanasiki's Blade
- g_w_vbroshort07 - Sanasiki's Blade
- g_w_vbroshort08 - Mission's Vibroblade
- g_w_vbroshort09 - Prototype Vibroblade
- g_w_qtrstaff01 - Quarterstaff
- g_w_qtrstaff02 - Massassi Battle Staff
- g_w_qtrstaff03 - Raito's Gaderffii
Stun Batons
- g_w_stunbaton01 - Stun Baton
- g_w_stunbaton02 - Botahn Stun Stick
- g_w_stunbaton03 - Bothan Chuka
- g_w_stunbaton04 - Rakatan Battle Wand
- g_w_stunbaton05 - Rakatan Battle Wand
- g_w_stunbaton06 - Rakatan Battle Wand
- g_w_stunbaton07 - Rakatan Battle Wand
Blaster Pistols
- g_w_blstrpstl001 - Blaster Pistol
- g_w_blstrpstl002 - Mandalorian Blaster
- g_w_blstrpstl003 - Arkanian Pistol
- g_w_blstrpstl004 - Zabrak Blaster Pistol
- g_w_blstrpstl005 - Bendak's Blaster
- g_w_blstrpstl006 - Bendak's Blaster
- g_w_blstrpstl007 - Bendak's Blaster
- g_w_blstrpstl008 - Bendak's Blaster
- g_w_blstrpstl009 - Bendak's Blaster
- g_w_blstrpstl010 - Carth's Blaster
- g_w_blstrpstl020 - Insta-Kill Pistol
Hold-Out Blasters
- g_w_hldoblstr01 - Hold-Out Blaster
- g_w_hldoblstr02 - Bothan Quick Draw
- g_w_hldoblstr03 - Sith Assassin Pistol
- g_w_hldoblstr04 - Bothan Needler
Heavy Blasters
- g_w_hvyblstr01 - Heavy blaster
- g_w_hvyblstr02 - Arkainian heavy pistol
- g_w_hvyblstr03 - Zabrak Testal Mark III
- g_w_hvyblstr04 - Mandalorian Heavy pistol
- g_w_hvyblstr05 - Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol
- g_w_hvyblstr06 - Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol
- g_w_hvyblstr07 - Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol
- g_w_hvyblstr08 - Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol
- g_w_hvyblstr09 - Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol
Blaster Carbines
- g_w_blstrcrbn001 - Blaster Carbine
- g_w_blstrcrbn002 - Sith Assault Gun
- g_w_blstrcrbn003 - Cinnagar Carbine
- g_w_blstrcrbn004 - Jurgan Kalta's Carbine
- g_w_blstrcrbn005 - Jamoh Hogra's Carbine
- g_w_blstrcrbn006 - Jamoh Hogra's Carbine
- g_w_blstrcrbn007 - Jamoh Hogra's Carbine
- g_w_blstrcrbn008 - Jamoh Hogra's Carbine
- g_w_blstrcrbn009 - Jamoh Hogra's Carbine
Blaster Rifles
- g_w_blstrrfl001 - Blaster Rifle
- g_w_blstrrfl002 - Sith Sniper Rifle
- g_w_blstrrfl003 - Mandalorian assault Rifle
- g_w_blstrrfl004 - Zabrak Battle Cannon
- g_w_blstrrfl005 - Jurgan Kulta Assault Rifle
- g_w_blstrrfl006 - Jurgan Kulta Assault Rifle
- g_w_blstrrfl007 - Jurgan Kulta Assault Rifle
- g_w_blstrrfl008 - Jurgan Kulta Assault Rifle
- g_w_blstrrfl009 - Jurgan Kulta Assault Rifle
Repeating Blasters
- g_w_rptnblstr01 - Light Repeating Blaster
- g_w_rptnblstr02 - Medium Repeating Blaster
- g_w_rptnblstr03 - Blaster Cannon
- g1_w_rptnblstr01 - Baragwin Assault Gun
Heavy Repeating Blasters
- g_w_hvrptbltr002 - Ordo's Repeating Blaster
- g_w_hvrptbltr01 - Heavy Repeating Blaster
- g_w_hvrptbltr02 - Mandalorian Heavy Repeater
- g1_w_hvrptbltr001 - Baragwin Heavy Repeating Blaster
Ion Blasters
- g_w_ionblstr01 - Ion Blaster
- g_w_ionblstr02 - Verpine Prototype Ion Blaster
Ion Rifles
- g_w_ionrfl01 - Ion Rifle
- g_w_ionrfl02 - Bothan Droid disruptor
- g_w_ionrfl03 - Verpine Droid disruptor
- g1_w_ionrfl01 - Baragwin Ion X
Disruptor Pistols
- g_w_dsrptpstl001 - Disruptor Pistol
- g_w_dsrptpstl002 - Mandalorian Ripper
Disruptor Rifles
- g_w_dsrptrfl001 - Disruptor Rifle
- g_w_dsrptrfl002 - Zabrak Disruptor Rifle
- g1_w_dsrptrfl001 - Baragwin Disruptor-X Weapon
Sonic Pistols
- g_w_sonicpstl01 - Sonic Pistol
- g_w_sonicpstl02 - Bothan Shrieker
Sonic Rifles
- g_w_sonicrfl01 - Sonic Rifle
- g_w_sonicrfl02 - Bothan Discord Gun
- g_w_sonicrfl03 - Arkanian Sonic Rifle
- g_w_bowcstr001 - Bowcaster
- g_w_bowcstr002 - Chuundar's Bowcaster
- g_w_bowcstr003 - Zaalbar's Bowcaster
Droid Utility Items
- g_i_drdcomspk001 - Computer Probe
- g_i_drdcomspk002 - Universal Computer Interface
- g_i_drdcomspk003 - Advanced Computer Tool
- g1_i_drdcomspk01 - Advanced Droid Interface
- g_i_drdsecspk001 - Security Interface Tool
- g_i_drdsecspk002 - Security Domination Interface
- g_i_drdsecspk003 - Security Decryption Interface
Droid Sensors
- g_i_drdmtnsen001 - Droid Motion Sensors Type 1
- g_i_drdmtnsen002 - Droid Motion Sensors Type 2
- g_i_drdmtnsen003 - Droid Motion Sensors Type 3
- g_i_drdsncsen001 - Droid Sonic Sensors Type 1
- g_i_drdsncsen002 - Droid Sonic Sensors Type 2
- g_i_drdsncsen003 - Droid Sonic Sensors Type 3
- g_i_drdsrcscp001 - Droid Search Scope Type 1
- g_i_drdsrcscp002 - Droid Search Scope Type 2
- g_i_drdsrcscp003 - Droid Search Scope Type 3
- g_i_drdtrgcom001 - Basic Targeting Computer
- g_i_drdtrgcom002 - Advanced Targeting Computer
- g_i_drdtrgcom003 - Superior Targeting Computer
- g_i_drdtrgcom004 - Sensor Probe
- g_i_drdtrgcom005 - Verpine Demolitions Probe
- g_i_drdtrgcom006 - Bothan Demolitions Probe
Droid Special Weapons
- g_i_drdutldev001 - Stun Ray
- g_i_drdutldev002 - Advanced Stun Ray
- g_i_drdutldev003 - Shield Disruptor
- g_i_drdutldev004 - Advanced Shield Disruptor
- g_i_drdutldev005 - Oil Slick
- g_i_drdutldev006 - Flame Thrower
- g_i_drdutldev007 - Advanced Flame Thrower
- g_i_drdutldev008 - Carbonite Projector
- g_i_drdutldev009 - Carbonite Projector Mark II
- g_i_drdutldev010 - Gravity Generator
- g_i_drdutldev011 - Advanced Gravity Generator
- g1_i_drdshld001 - Baragwin Droid Shield
- g1_i_drdutldev01 - Baragwin Flame Thrower
- g1_i_drdutldev02 - Baragwin Stun Ray
- g1_i_drdutldev03 - Baragwin Shield Disruptor
Droid Plating
- g_i_drdhvplat001 - Droid Heavy Plating Type 1
- g_i_drdhvplat002 - Droid Heavy Plating Type 2
- g_i_drdhvplat003 - Droid Heavy Plating Type 3
- g_i_drdltplat001 - Droid Light Plating Type 1
- g_i_drdltplat002 - Droid Light Plating Type 2
- g_i_drdltplat003 - Droid Light Plating Type 3
- g_i_drdmdplat001 - Droid Medium Plating Type 1
- g_i_drdmdplat002 - Droid Medium Plating Type 2
- g_i_drdmdplat003 - Droid Medium Plating Type 3
- g1_i_drdhvplat01 - Composite Heavy Plating
Droid Shields
- g_i_drdshld001 - Energy Shield Level 1
- g_i_drdshld002 - Energy Shield Level 2
- g_i_drdshld003 - Energy Shield Level 3
- g_i_drdshld005 - Environment Shield Level 1
- g_i_drdshld006 - Environment Shield Level 2
- g_i_drdshld007 - Environment Shield Level 3
- g1_i_drdshld001 - Baragwin Droid Shield
- g_i_trapkit001 - Minor Flash Mine
- g_i_trapkit002 - Average Flash Mine
- g_i_trapkit003 - Deadly Flash Mine
- g_i_trapkit004 - Minor Frag Mine
- g_i_trapkit005 - Average Frag Mine
- g_i_trapkit006 - Deadly Frag Mine
- g_i_trapkit007 - Minor Plasma Mine
- g_i_trapkit008 - Average Plasma Mine
- g_i_trapkit009 - Deadly Plasma Mine
- g_i_trapkit010 - Minor Gas Mine
- g_i_trapkit011 - Average Gas Mine
- g_i_trapkit012 - Deadly Gas Mine
- g_w_adhsvgren001 - Adhesive Grenade
- g_w_cryobgren001 - CryoBan Grenade
- g_w_firegren001 - Plasma Grenade
- g_w_fraggren01 - Frag Grenade
- g_w_iongren01 - Ion Grenade
- g_w_poisngren01 - Poison Grenade
- g_w_sonicgren01 - Sonic Grenade
- g_w_stungren01 - Concussion Grenade
- g_w_thermldet01 - Thermal Detonator
- g_i_adrnaline001 - Adrenal Strength
- g_i_adrnaline002 - Adrenal Alacrity
- g_i_adrnaline003 - Adrenal Stamina
- g_i_adrnaline004 - Hyper-Adrenal Strength
- g_i_adrnaline005 - Hyper-Adrenal Alacrity
- g_i_adrnaline006 - Hyper-Adrenal Stamina
- g_i_cmbtshot001 - Battle Stimulant
- g_i_cmbtshot002 - Hyper-battle Stimulant
- g_i_cmbtshot003 - Echani Battle Stimulant
Medical Items
- g_i_medeqpmnt01 - Medpac
- g_i_medeqpmnt02 - Advanced Medpac
- g_i_medeqpmnt03 - Life Support Pack
- g_i_medeqpmnt04 - Antidote Kit
- g_i_medeqpmnt05 - Antibiotic Kit
- g_i_medeqpmnt06 - Advanced Medpac
- g_i_medeqpmnt07 - Life Support Pack
- g_i_medeqpmnt08 - Squad Recovery Stim
Repair Kits
- g_i_drdrepeqp001 - Repair Kit
- g_i_drdrepeqp002 - Advanced Repair Kit
- g_i_drdrepeqp003 - Construction Kit
- g_i_parts01 - Parts
- g_i_progspike01 - Computer Spike
- g_i_secspike01 - Security Spike
- g_i_secspike02 - Security Spike Tunneler
Upgrade Items
- g_i_upgrade001 - Scope
- g_i_upgrade002 - Improved Energy Cell
- g_i_upgrade003 - Beam Splitter
- g_i_upgrade004 - Hair Trigger
- g_i_upgrade005 - Armour Reinforcement
- g_i_upgrade006 - Mesh Underlay
- g_i_upgrade007 - Vibration Cell
- g_i_upgrade008 - Durasteel Bonding Alloy
- g_i_upgrade009 - Energy Projector
Pazaak Decks
- g_i_pazdeck - Pazaak Deck
- g_i_pazsidebd001 - Pazaak Side Deck
Pazaak Cards
- g_i_pazcard_001 - Pazaak Card +1
- g_i_pazcard_002 - Pazaak Card +2
- g_i_pazcard_003 - Pazaak Card +3
- g_i_pazcard_004 - Pazaak Card +4
- g_i_pazcard_005 - Pazaak Card +5
- g_i_pazcard_006 - Pazaak Card +6
- g_i_pazcard_007 - Pazaak Card -1
- g_i_pazcard_008 - Pazaak Card -2
- g_i_pazcard_009 - Pazaak Card -3
- g_i_pazcard_010 - Pazaak Card -4
- g_i_pazcard_011 - Pazaak Card -5
- g_i_pazcard_012 - Pazaak Card -6
- g_i_pazcard_013 - Pazaak Card +/-1
- g_i_pazcard_014 - Pazaak Card +/-2
- g_i_pazcard_015 - Pazaak Card +/-3
- g_i_pazcard_016 - Pazaak Card +/-4
- g_i_pazcard_017 - Pazaak Card +/-5
- g_i_pazcard_018 - Pazaak Card +/-6
- g_i_credits001 - 5 credit stack
- g_i_credits002 - 10 credit stack
- g_i_credits003 - 25 credit stack
- g_i_credits004 - 50 credit stack
- g_i_credits005 - 100 credit stack
- g_i_credits006 - 200 credit stack
- g_i_credits007 - 300 credit stack
- g_i_credits008 - 400 credit stack
- g_i_credits009 - 500 credit stack
- g_i_credits010 - 1000 credit stack
- g_i_credits011 - 2000 credit stack
- g_i_credits012 - 3000 credit stack
- g_i_credits013 - 4000 credit stack
- g_i_credits014 - 5000 credit stack
Geno Haradan Items
- geno_blaster - GenoHaradan Blaster
- geno_stealth - GenoHaradan Stealth Unit
- geno_gloves - GenoHaradan Power Gloves
- geno_armor - GenoHaradan Mesh Armor
- geno_blade - GenoHaradan Poison Blade
- geno_visor - GenoHaradan Visor
Miscellaneous Items
- g_i_gizkapois001 - Gizka Poison
- tat17_sandperdis - Sand People Clothing
- ptar_sitharmor - Sith Armor
- g_w_waraxe001 - Gamorrean BattleAxe
- g_w_warblade001 - Wookiee Warblade
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