American adult animated comedy-drama series. Bojack was the legendary TV sitcom horse of the 1990s. Since his heyday, he's struggled through life in a haze of whisky and self-loathing.
American adult animated comedy-drama series. Bojack was the legendary TV sitcom horse of the 1990s. Since his heyday, he's struggled through life in a haze of whisky and self-loathing.
role | name |
BoJack Horseman | Will Arnett |
Butterscotch Horseman | Will Arnett |
BoBo the Angsty Zebra | Will Arnett |
Princess Carolyn | Amy Sedaris |
Sharona | Amy Sedaris |
Potential Director | Amy Sedaris |
Diane Nguyen | Alison Brie |
Olivia | Alison Brie |
Vincent Adultman | Alison Brie |
Todd Chavez | Aaron Paul |
Henry Fondle | Aaron Paul |
Emperor Fingerface | Aaron Paul |
Mr. Peanutbutter | Paul F. Tompkins |
Marv | Paul F. Tompkins |
Sandro | Paul F. Tompkins |
A Ryan Seacrest Type | Adam Conover |
Blackmailer #1 | Adam Conover |
Ethan | Adam Conover |
Tom Jumbo-Grumbo | Keith Olbermann |
Judah Mannowdog | Diedrich Bader |
Blimp Pilot | Diedrich Bader |
Sarah Lynn | Kristen Schaal |
Sabrina | Kristen Schaal |
Harper | Kristen Schaal |
Pinky Penguin | Patton Oswalt |
Pig Doctor | Patton Oswalt |
Airport PA | Patton Oswalt |
role | name |
Writer | Raphael Bob-Waksberg |