"Twenty Twelve" is a spoof documentary series following the challenges faced by the fictional team entrusted with organising the London Olympic Games. In the opening edition, the marketing team comes up with the idea of a clock to mark 1,000 days to the opening of the games. When the clock is installed outside the Tate Modern on the banks of the Thames, it has a potentially disastrous design flaw that no one previously noticed. Meanwhile, the process of deciding which public figures should be approached to carry the Olympic Torch around Britain begins, and head of deliverance Ian Fletcher (Hugh Bonneville) discovers he is going on a romantic break with his wife - whether he likes it or not. The series also features Jessica Hynes, Amelia Bullmore and Olivia Colman. It is narrated by David Tennant. It premiered on BBC Four in March 2011 before transferring to BBC Two in July of the same year.