Set in the world of elite tennis, the drama portrays Justine Pearce as a one-time rising star whose sudden success at 17 took her and her coach Glenn Lapthorn to the semifinals of the French Open.
Set in the world of elite tennis, the drama portrays Justine Pearce as a one-time rising star whose sudden success at 17 took her and her coach Glenn Lapthorn to the semifinals of the French Open.
role | name |
Justine Pearce | Ella Lily Hyland |
Glenn Lapthorn | Aidan Turner |
Renee Okoye | Harmony Rose Bremner |
Khalida Lapthorn | Manon Azem |
Christy Pearce | Steffan Rhodri |
Steve O'Callaghan | Tom Varey |
Gianluca Barzaghi | Lorenzo Richelmy |
Rushikesh 'Rusty' Raj | Amar Chadha-Patel |
Mikki Easton | Jess Darrow |
Carol Pearce | Elizabeth Berrington |
role | name |
Writer | Hania Elkington |