An action-packed animation based on the comic created by Robert Kirkman, Cory Walker and Ryan Ottley blasts off on Amazon Prime Video with three turbo-charged episodes. Further instalments follow at weekly intervals. Seventeen-year-old Mark Grayson (voiced by Steven Yeun) faces the same challenges as any young man his age with one glaring exception: his father is Omni-Man (JK Simmons), the most powerful superhero on Earth. Trapped in the shadow of his headline-grabbing parent, Mark faces the seemingly impossible task of making an impact on the world, separate from the heroic legacy of Omni-Man. The teenager develops strange powers and struggles to harness these abilities under the watchful eye of his mother Debbie (Sandra Oh). "You need to decide what kind of hero you want to be," she counsels him tenderly. The internal conflict threatens to tear Mark apart until he discovers that the high esteem in which his father is held might not be wholly deserved.